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marți, 28 iunie 2011

E nevoie de UE?

Tot mai multe voci spun ca idealul european de a crea o superconglomeratie de state sucomba sub greutatea realitatilor economice si politice a celor mai multe state membre. Grecia a dat tonul si nu e pentru prima data cand statul elen face pielea gaina germanilor care par a sa se fi saturat sa sustina din contributiile propriiilor cetateni coruptia, impotenta birocratica si politica a urmasilor lui Aristotel. Intr-un fel e de inteles. Germania, sa nu uitam a facut mari eforturi de reconstructie dupa al doilea razboi mondial si au ajuns in foarte scurt timp cea mai dezvoltata tara din Europa. Mai sunt si alte tari ingrijorate cum ar fi Olanda sau Angliea care nu mai suporta limba de lemn a Bruxellului si fara ipocrizie pun degetul pe rana. Dar a fost vreodata o Europa unita, e intrebarea care ne-o putem pune, fireste fara a discuta problema Romaniei care este oarecum marginala si irelevanta in efortul de constructie a unui suprastat european. Care a fost motivatia unificarii statelor europene, ar fi prima intrebare. Romanticii spun, ca exista o identitate comuna, una europeana si ca aceasta a fost fundamentul unificarii europene. Pana una alta comunitatea europeana a functionat si inca o face articulata pe un model economic care a fost gandita ca o contrabalanta la economia americana si mai recent cea chineza. Eu as fi totusi curios care este argumentul identitatii europene, adica, cu alte cuvinte despre ce tip de comunitate vorbim: una culturala, una in jurul principiilor politice, una religioasa. Fara indoiala le putem discuta pe toate pe rand dar ma tem ca totusi diferentele intre statele europene sunt majore si ca teoria unei identitati europene (in forma, poate, a multiculturalismului) este pura utopie. Si totusi s-a putut, UE exista, dar cum? Eu personal cred ca e vorba strict de o uniune economica si ca in lipsa a unui alt liant care sa legitimeze o astfel de structura superstatala ea nu va rezista multa vreme. Iata moneda unica are mari probleme si n-as vrea sa intru in detalii, se stie in mare care e cauza, dar ma intreb: e nevoie de UE in forma in care ea exista de acest monstru birocratic destul de anemic cand trebuie sa reactioneze la provocari reale? Ce s-ar intampla daca Germania revine la marca germana, italia la lira etc etc. si daca fiecare stat membru va incerca singura sa-si gestioneze criza? Nimic. Eu cred ca teama ca UE se destrama este nejustificata. Sigur e un vis frumos si eu sunt in totalitate pentru o comunitate europeana, "o unitate in diversitate" dar pana nu stabilim concret ce ne leaga eu cred ca si vechea formula a unei Europe "dezbinate" poate supravietui fara probleme.

luni, 27 iunie 2011

Un castravete nespalat in economia EU

Interesante urmarile unei boli de raspandire si pericol mic in economia globala.


Adi reclama la masina

luni, 20 iunie 2011

50 Things Women Would Do To Drive Men Crazy!

1. Do not say what you mean. Ever.

2. Be ambiguous. Always.

3. Cry. Cry often. Tell them it’s their fault.

4. Bring things up that were said, done, or thought months or years ago.

5. Make them apologize for everything.

6. Stash feminine products in their backpacks and in their books as cute reminders that you were thinking of them.

7. Gossip. Gossip about everything that walks.

8. Play Alanis Morissette’s “You Outta Know,” loud. Look at them Smile.

9. Look them in the eye and start laughing.

10. Cry.

11. Get mad at them for everything.

12. Discuss your period in front of them. Watch them squirm.

13. Hold grudges.

14. Demand to be e-mailed. Often. Whine when they don’t comply.

15. When complimented, make sure to be paranoid. Take nothing at face value.

16. Use daddy as a weapon. Tell them about his gun collection, his quick trigger finger, and his affection for his “little princess.”

17. Be late for everything. Yell if they’re late.

18. Talk about your ex-boyfriend 24-7. Compare and contrast.

19. Go everywhere in groups, especially the bathroom. Do nothing alone. Independence is a sign of weakness.

20. Cry.

21. Make them guess what you want and then get mad when they’re wrong.

22. Plan little relationship anniversaries, i. e. the monthly anniversary of the time you saw each other in the library. . . for five minutes. Then get mad at them for forgetting. Then cry.

23. Fall for your FAC.

24. Gather many female friends and dance to “I Will Survive” while they are present. Sing all the words. Sing to them. Sing loud.

25. Correct their grammar.

26. Describe back-alley abortions. Then remind them of their mother or little sister.

27. Constantly claim you’re fat. Ask them. Then cry, regardless of their answer.

28. Leave out the good parts in stories.

29. Make sure to only be interested in guys in the same friendship group. Make sure to cause trouble.

30. Make them wonder. Confusion is a good thing.

31. Cry.

32. Declare that you are not wacko.

33. Criticize the way they dress.

34. Criticize the music they listen to.

35. Criticize their hair.

36. Ignore them. When asked, “What’s wrong?” tell them that if they don’t know, you’re not going to tell them.

37. Try to change them.

38. Try to mold them.

39. Try to get them to dance.

40. Pretend you’re interested, lead them on, then feign ignorance when confronted.

41. When they screw up, never let them forget it.

42. Make them stay at religious services until they are close to fainting. Just because.

43. Blame everything on PMS.

44. Blame everything on PMS only after it has been blamed on them.

45. Whenever there is silence ask them, “What are you thinking?”

46. Get mad if they don’t notice a haircut. Even if it’s only a half inch.

47. Read into everything.

Nu eu le-am inventat dar asta nu schimba cu nimic aceste adevaruri eterne!!!

48. Over-analyze everything.

49. Cry.

50. Make it your goal to make THEM cry.